5 June 2023
Message of Environment Minister Hakob Simidyan on the occasion of World Environment Day
"Fight against plastic pollution": under this motto, World Environment Day is celebrated today
The Day is celebrated annually and is a means for all environmentalists and environmental organizations to focus the attention of the international community on environmental issues, as well as to stimulate political interest in appropriate actions to protect the environment.
5 June 2023
Information on the preliminary results of water research conducted on June 5, 2023 in Lake Vardavar
"Hydrometeorology and Monitoring Center" of the Ministry of Environment on June 5, field research works and water sampling were carried out in Lake Vardavar. Preliminary analyzes of the samples have been carried out and according to the preliminary results, the value of dissolved oxygen in the water is very low and is not sufficient to sustain the life of the fish. The water is weakly basic, with especially high concentrations of ammonium (3rd, "moderate" class) and sulfate ions (5th, "poor" class).
5 June 2023
June 5 is World Environment Day
"Fight against plastic pollution". World Environment Day is celebrated today with this slogan
In 1972, June 5 was declared by the United Nations as the World Environment Day, and since 2004 it has been celebrated in Armenia as the day of the environmentalist.
2 June 2023
In the process of environmental impact assessment and expertise, the public notification will be made through other mass media instead of publishing in the "Republic of Armenia" daily newspaper.
As of June 1 of this year, due to the suspension of the daily newspaper "Republic of Armenia", it will not be published, and according to the decision of the RA Government No. 1325 of November 19, 2014, the strategic assessment of the impact on the environment and all categories of planned activities on the environment Among the means of public notification in the impact assessment and examination process, the official newspaper of the Republic of Armenia is also planned.
2 June 2023
Eco-educational open class at the State Museum of Nature of Armenia
In the modern world, when society's impact on the environment is increasing day by day, the need for ecological education of society is more than relevant. Eco-education is included in various educational fields, the aim of which is to form ecological awareness among the young generation. The importance of ecological consciousness and behavior should be started from an earlier age, because the attitude towards nature, ideas about nature are formed from an early age.