21 April 2022
ECO education
Within the framework of strategic programs to improve the quality of environmental education, raise public awareness, and form the ecological consciousness of society in the units subordinate to the Ministry of Environment, long-term environmental education activities are of a nature.
21 April 2022
Mir24 TV channel's appeal to the ban on the production, import and export of mercury in Armenia
The need to develop a draft law of the Republic of Armenia "On Mercury" follows from the obligations assumed by the Republic of Armenia under the Minamata Convention "On Mercury", ratified in 2017.
21 April 2022
Lilit Abrahamyan, Head of the Water Policy Department of the Ministry of Environment, took part in the Pan-European regional preparatory seminar
Lilit Abrahamyan, Head of the Water Policy Department of the Ministry of the Environment, National Coordinator of the EU for the Environment - Water Resources and Environmental Data program, took part in the Pan-European regional preparatory seminar on the upcoming UN World Water Forum in New York on March 22-24, 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland, from April 12 to 13.
21 April 2022
Cleaner environment
After the melting of the snow, the employees of the National Park "Arpi Lich" of the Ministry of Environment began work on cleaning the adjacent territories of the national Park.
20 April 2022
The 3rd event "I am responsible for Sevan" took place
In the city of Willoughby, Australia on November 8 under the high patronage of the Armenian, 3rd event "Responsible for Sevan", implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the German Society for International Cooperation "Environmental Protection of Lake Sevan" (EU4Sevan) and jointly implemented by the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia and the German Society for International Cooperation within the framework of the COVID-19 response program "restoration of coastal areas of rivers in Armenia.