The Meeting of the Management Board of the "Transition towards Electric Mobility in Armenia" Grant Programme Took Place

The meeting of the management board of the "Transition towards electric mobility in Armenia" grant programme was held under the leadership of Hakob Simidyan, Minister of the Environment of the RA.

During the board meeting, the progress, strategic directions and coordination works of the "Transition towards electric mobility in Armenia" grant programme, implemented by the "EPIU" SA of the Ministry of Environment and funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) were presented.
Before discussing the issues on the agenda, Minister Hakob Simidyan noted the significance of the Programme.
"In terms of sector, the Programme is very important for us both from the point of view of further infrastructure development and development of strategies and policies. In case of a good result, we will have the opportunity to promote the use of electric vehicles in Armenia.
Of course, even now the sector is developing at a high pace, but the Programme should help to answer the question about the state of the infrastructures in Armenia and how they will develop, including as a result of the full involvement of the Government," the minister noted.
The Minister also instructed to expand the scope of the Programme's beneficiaries to include policy makers and sectoral decision makers to be more targeted and comprehensive.
Let us remind that the Programme aims to contribute to the implementation of the RA national goals aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector and the obligations undertaken within the framework of the Paris Agreement.
It is implemented through 3 Components:

  • Institutionalization and strategic planning for low-carbon e-mobility,
  • Short-term barrier removal through low-carbon e-mobility demonstrations,
  • Policy development for scale-up and replication of low-carbon electric mobility based on lessons learned from the pilot.