The Police have revealed those murdering the Red Book-listed Bezoar goat nearby "Siranuysh" camp in the administrative area of Yeghegis settlement, Yeghegis community, Vayots Dzor region.
A criminal proceeding was initiated and was sent to the territorial investigation body. A preliminary investigation is underway.
We remind you that according to the RA Law on Compensation Tariffs for Damages to Fauna and Flora - as a result of environmental penalties - in case of hunting and (or) killing of Bezoar goat, the compensation fees for damage caused to fauna for each unit (regardless of age) is 3 million AMD.
If a major damage has been caused due to the penalty, the offender shall be subject to criminal liability under the 4th point of the 1st part of Article 294 of the relevant Code, therefore shall be punished by a fine at the rate of four hundred to six hundred times the minimum salary or by detention for 4-6 months.