The Ministry of Environment invites you to cooperate
Ahead of the COP27 Climate Conference to be held in Egypt on November 7-18, 2022, the Ministry of Environment invites all stakeholders whose activities are aimed at addressing environmental and climate issues to assess Armenia's potential.
Interested individuals and organizations should meet the following criteria:
- Activities, services or products provided contribute to the adaptation and/or mitigation of climate change,
- Activities, services provided or products from an environmental point of view are innovative,
- The activities, services or products provided are environmentally friendly, comply with international standards and emissions of harmful substances and greenhouse gases in the course of activities are minimized.
- Those interested should submit an application to the Ministry of Environment, which will be discussed by members of the working group approved by the Minister's order of February 10, N39-a, in order to hold the final elections.
The deadline for submitting applications is April 1, 2022.
Contact information:
Climate Policy Department
Contacts: (+374 11) 818552
email address: climate_change@env.am