The discussion of the finalized packages of draft laws related to the environment took place

A public hearing was held at the Ministry of Environment to discuss the finalized package of draft laws of the Republic of Armenia "On Amendments to the RA Law "On Specially Protected Natural Territories", “On Amendments to the RA Law”.
"On Local Self-Government", "On Amendments to the Land Code of the Republic of Armenia" and "On Amendments to RA Law "On Environmental Control".
The public hearing was attended by representatives of various public organizations and persons interested in this area.
Changes in the RA Law "On Specially Protected Territories " and the attached laws are due to a number of gaps in the current law:
•    The law lacks the goals and foundations for the creation of specially protected natural areas;
•    the principles of management of specially protected natural territories are not clearly stated. there are no problems of categories of specially protected natural territories;
•    there is no classification, criteria for the creation and regime of protection of the natural monument;
•    there is no protection regime of the reserve;
•    there are no principles and regime of protection of the nature protection zone, ecological corridor and ecological network;
•    there are no issues of creation and management of a biosphere reserve:
There are also inconsistencies and contradictions between the RA Law "On Specially Protected Territories" and other legal acts. To this end, relevant amendments and additions were made to the RA Law "On Local Self-Government", the Land Code of the Republic of Armenia and the RA Law "On Environmental Control”.