Summing up completed grant projects

The RA Ministry of Environment  is the executive body  of “Support Programme for Protected Areas-Armenia” program.
"Rainbow" Leaders'  Educational Center, which won the grant in the frames of the 2nd phase of the  Small Grants Component (SGC) of the  SPPA-A program fulfilled "Implementation of Eco-Education and Establishment of Eco-Corners at Kapan and Kajaran schools" project in 6 schools of 8 settlements of Kapan-Kajaran communities; the objective of which was to improve the level of eco-education in public schools.
The key outcomes of the project:
 In  the frames of the cooperation with "ARK" environmental NGO, an information-cognitive excursion to Tandzaver was organized, where new hiking trails and an eco-camp were set up.
 The 30-hour trainings were held for 12 teachers of Kapan N5, Tsav, Shikahogh, Kajaran N1, Lernadzor and Geghi schools.
Five-day lessons were held for 60 pupils of the above-mentioned schools of Kajaran communities, environmental knowledge, skills and culture were fostered among the latter, "Green Patrols" environmental pupil groups were created.
An eco-educational camp was organized for 29 schoolchildren aged 13 to 16 from 4 beneficiary schools in "Plane Grove" tent camp of "Zangezur" “Biosphere Complex” SNCO. The schoolchildren who participated in the camp gained sustainable environmental knowledge, practical skills, caring attitude to preserve nature.
Based on the needs assessment of the beneficiary schools, lists of school property and literature were comprised, 9 various books were provided to each school and 39 different lab logistics  items.
Eco-corner trails have been set up at schools.
Renovated, information-public eco-educational posters were installed at A. Manukyan Street, Kapan.
The entire status of the project was covered through Facebook - the social network, the local TV channel and newspapers. At the end of the project, there took place a final event-exhibition.