According to the project, the budget of the Ministry of Environment for 2024 is 8 billion 792 million drams. compared to the current year, the budget increased by 384 million drams

On November 2, the preliminary discussions of the draft law "On the State Budget of RA 2024" continued at the joint session of the National Assembly's standing committees on territorial administration, local self-government, agriculture and environmental protection, and financial, credit and budgetary issues.
Minister Hakob Simidyan announced that the amount of funding for 26 measures implemented by the Ministry of Environment in the RA 2024 budget draft is 8,792.6 million drams, which is 384.7 million drams more than the approved 2023 budget.
The 6 existing budget programs are aimed at ensuring the priorities set by the Government's program and policies in the field of environmental protection.
"Environmental impact assessment and monitoring" program: (3 events),
"Development of state policy in the field of environment, program coordination and monitoring" program (4 events),
"Implementation of environmental programs in communities" program (1 event),
"Management and preservation of natural resources and specially protected areas of nature" program (11 measures),
"Forest Management" program: (7 events),
"Preservation and exhibition of natural specimens" program: (1 event).