In today's session, the executive approved the package of draft laws developed by the Ministry of Environment

In today's session, the executive approved the draft laws of the Republic of Armenia "On Amendments and Amendments to the Law on Protection of the Ozone Layer" and "On Amendments to the Code of the Republic of Armenia on Administrative Offenses" developed by the Ministry of Environment.
In this field, the Republic of Armenia continues to fulfill its international obligations arising from the Vienna Convention "On the Protection of the Ozone Layer" and the Montreal Protocol "On Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer" and their amendments and additions, as well as the Comprehensive and Extended Partnership Agreement and the Road Map. Accordingly, it is necessary to ensure the harmonization of regulatory legal acts of the sector.
Under the Roadmap's regulation, obligations to restore ozone-depleting substances are to be set from 2024, meaning the new concepts must be reflected in the Ozone Protection Act.
In addition, in the same period, the provisions of the Regulation, which refer to the leakage of substances that destroy the ozone layer and the monitoring of leakage, as well as the complete professional maintenance, which will be carried out by the relevant operators of the air conditioning and refrigeration systems under their operation, must be localized and, as an obligation, included in the Law. , heat pumps, as well as fire protection systems.
The law will define:
- the duty of economic operators to submit, in the prescribed manner, the recorded information on the maintenance of the above-mentioned facilities and the monitoring of leakages upon written or electronic request of the state co-responsible structure
duty to eliminate leakages after detection
- the Government's authority to monitor leakages in these installations, to approve the order of recording their results and the form of the record book in the field of use of substances that destroy the ozone layer will be provided.
- Legal entities and natural persons registered as individual owners are obliged to electronically submit information on the monitoring of leakages to the authorized state body in accordance with the procedure established by Article 4, Part 1, Clause 8 of the Law. In case of non-submission of the information, the authorized state body informs the inspection body exercising control in the field of atmospheric air protection in writing.