The third consultative workshop on the development of the management plan for the Shikahogh State Reserve and Zangezur, Khustup, Sosu Purak, and Sev Lich State Reserves was held.
The workshop was attended by Voskehat Grigoryan, the head of the Department of Specially Protected Areas and Biodiversity Policy of the Ministry, Arman Mkrtchyan, director of Zangezur Biosphere Complex, and employees, Areg Karapetyan, director of Solyuton LLC, the project implementer, and representatives of PTATS-Armenia. project manager Michel Blimrider, director of the Institute of Botany named after Takhtajyan of RA NAS, Arsen Gasparyan and experts of the project.
Preliminary versions of the vision and long-term strategic objectives of the protected areas for each protected area were presented.
The works carried out so far within the framework of the management plan development project were discussed. Reference was made to organizing the protection of ecosystems, carrying out scientific research works and monitoring, public awareness and eco-education, promotion of tourism and other issues.
The project is implemented under the leadership of "Soluton" JSC, with the participation of "Armenian Union of Biologists" NGO, "AM Partners" LLC, within the framework of the "Protected Areas Support Program - Armenia" program, with the financial support of the German KfW Bank.
The executive body of the project is the RA Ministry of Environment.