The Ministry of Environment's Ozone Program in colloboration with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization and ''Environment and Health'' NGO, developed a series of educational events on "LET'S BE AWARE, PROTECT OZONE LAYER!".
The objective of the events is to raise the level of knowledge about ozone depletion among pupils in the 7-11th grades of schools in Yerevan and in regions, to upgrade them with information and skills, and to encourage the involvement of young people in solving this global environmental challenge.
The first phase of educational events embarked on in May. In this phase, on May 4-11 and on 15 remote trainings were held - Zoom-webinars - dedicated to ozone layer depletion and preservation, which were attended by about 450 students and teachers from 240 schools.
In one of the webinars, the Deputy Minister of Environment of the Republic of Armenia Anna Mazmanyan greeted the participants, assuring that as a state body it would provide an opportunity for young people to double their knowledge on these and other environmental themes.
The second phase of the initiative will be focused on the implementation of "Ozone in our life" thematic video contest and the organizing of a summer camp.
To be the first to learn about held and envisaged events, you can follow the official Instagram page of the Ozone Program.