The main legal acts implementing the Law "On Amendments to the Law on Environmental Impact Assessment and Expertise" have already been adopted

The Law "On Amendments to the Law on Environmental Impact Assessment and Expertise" was adopted on May 3, 2023. The main legal acts implementing the Law have already been adopted.
The list of measures ensuring the implementation of the law "On Amendments to the Law on Environmental Impact Assessment and Expertise" was approved by the Prime Minister's decision N 866-A.
Accordingly, the adopted legal acts are:
- Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia "On Approval of the order of the strategic ecological assessment and the requirements submitted to the strategic ecological assessment report" 
- Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia "On Approval of the procedure for determining the need for environmental impact assessment and expertise of the reconstruction or expansion or technical or technological re-equipment or re-profiling or conservation or relocation or termination or closure or demolition or project change of the types of activities envisaged"
- Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia "On Amendments to Decision No. 1325-N of the Government of the Republic of Armenia of November 19, 2014" 
- Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia "On Approval of the types of activities subject to evaluation and examination in specially protected areas of nature or forest lands or green zones of settlements or within the borders of historical and cultural monuments or environmental lands not included in the founding documents that have received a positive state examination conclusion" 
- Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia "On Approval of the procedure for the examination, making changes or additions to the state examination conclusion, annulling the state examination conclusion"
 - Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia "On approval of the characteristics to be considered in the process of environmental impact assessment and examination of facilities important from the point of view of atomic energy safety"
- For clarifications or additional information on the provisions of the law "On Amendments to the Law on Environmental Impact Assessment and Expertise", you can register for a consultative discussion: