On February 2, 1971, the Ramsar Convention "On Wetlands of International Importance, especially as a Habitat for Waterfowl" was signed in Ramsar, Iran:
the UN General Assembly, in its resolution 75/317 of 2021, officially declared February 2 as World Wetlands Day.
Armenia joined the Ramsar Convention in 1993 and today has three Ramsar territories: Lake Sevan, Lake Arpi and the Khor Virapa swamp:
What does wetlands mean and why are they important and attractive to us and the international community?:
The discussion of these issues will take place on February 2 at 14: 00 at the Yerevan Aarhus Center.At 00,
Speaker: National Coordinator of the Ramsar Convention in Armenia, Doctor of Biological Sciences Karen Centerechyan.
I mean, damn it. Forty six
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