The last update of the ecological status of the bald vulture in Armenia was carried out in 2009, including data collected in 2003-2008.
The current update of the conservation status of this species in the country takes into account data collected from 2003 to 2019.
The results show that the population of the species consists of 48-54 breeding pairs. Annual breeding success, measured as the number of cubs per occupied nest, also increased from 71% in 2003 to 79% in 2019.
Other possible threats may be associated with heavy metal poisoning in urban landfills or, for livestock, with the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Recommended storage measures include
• changing the policy of trophies and the civil policy of birds kept in unfree, in particular, taking into account the enumeration of all existing samples and the introduction of a mandatory procedure for issuing a certificate of origin for each new sample,
• the establishment of stricter penalties for illegal hunting or trapping,
• strengthening the Inspection Body in order to improve control,
• raising public awareness aimed at increasing the social value of this type,
• the introduction of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs into animal husbandry,
• these measures should be accompanied by this type of monitoring.