Hazardous Substances and Waste Policy Department

Acting as the head of the department: Liana Papakhchyan,
Chief specialist of the department: Aram Sayadyan,
senior specialist of the department, Taguhi Shahinyan.
 The main functions of the department are:
•    Development and implementation of policies and strategies in the field of environmentally safe management of chemicals and waste,
•    participation in the state registration of waste,
•    development of legal acts related to the field of chemical substances and waste management,
•    the classification of production and consumption wastes generated in the territory of the Republic of Armenia according to the degree of danger,
•    the development and implementation of the policy of waste generation and reduction of their harmful effects, the development and implementation of the policy of the beneficial use of waste from the point of view of environmental protection, the gradation of use,
•    providing recommendations and objections regarding the drafts of legal acts developed by other bodies and submitted to the approval of the Ministry within the limits of the department's competences,
•    providing a professional opinion regarding the functions of the department within the framework of environmental impact assessment and expertise,
•    coordination of the fulfillment of obligations assumed by the Republic of Armenia in the field of chemical substances and waste management under international conventions,
•    Other functions defined by the charter of the department: