The Director of the Water and Urban Development Sector Group of the Asian Development Bank visited the waste water treatment plant of Gavar city

The Director of the Water and Urban Development Sector Group of the Asian Development Bank visited the waste water treatment plant of Gavar city.
Under the leadership of the Deputy Minister of Environment Aram Meymaryan, the representatives of the relevant departments of wastewater management in the Republic of Armenia, Gegharkunik Marzpetaran, Gavar Municipality, Asian Development Bank (ADB) and German International Cooperation (GIZ) visited the waste water treatment plant in Gavar city to get acquainted and observe the plant. the works.
The station provides the process of mechanical wastewater treatment for 3959 out of 6950 households of Gavar extended community. In other words, 57% of the province is sewered. The total design capacity is 19,008 cubic meters per day, but now an average of 2,163 cubic meters is provided per day.
250.2 tons of solid waste is removed annually.
The operation of the station was observed on the spot, the possibilities of improvement were discussed.
Let's remind that in May of this year, an agreement was signed between the Ministry of Environment of the RA, the Water Committee and the GHMU on the modernization of the waste water treatment plant of Gavar city.
The German International Cooperation Company plans to modernize the mechanical component of the Gavar station within the framework of the EU4Sevan project, which means that a new, more efficient substation will be built next to the existing mechanical component, which will subject the already mechanically cleaned wastewater to deeper mechanical cleaning. It is planned to hand over the station in 2024. in July-August. The maintenance is planned to be carried out by "Veolia Water" company.
A number of households that do not have a sewage system were also visited and observed.
The field visit was followed by a discussion at the Gegharkunik Governor's Office, during which options for solving the domestic and economic wastewater problem of the lake basin settlements were discussed, including the possibility of investing in biological wastewater treatment and network restoration in the Lake Sevan basin.