The Ministry of Environment, headed by Deputy Ministers Anna Mazmanyan and Aram Meimaryan, held an extended discussion of the draft legal act On Amendments and Additions in addition to the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia No. 2168-N dated September 22, 2005 "On Approval of the Procedure for the Disposal of identified and seized illegally Acquired Natural Resources (including hunting)".
The meeting was attended by representatives of the professional division of the Ministry of Environment, Head of the Department of Wildlife Control of the Environmental Protection and Mining Inspection Body A. Arabyan, Director of the Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets R. Khachatryan, the representative of the Fund Ts. Hovhannisyan, the founder of "Fauna Zoo" LLC A. Khachatryan , Head of the Laboratory of Vertebrate Zoology at the Scientific Center of Zoology and Hydroecology M. Kasabyan and the Acting Director of the "Yerevan Zoo" NGO A. Mkrtchyan.
Animals discovered and seized illegally acquired during verification by the current legal act of the Government are released into nature without taking into account their characteristics. There are also no clarifications about who the seized animal should be transferred to for storage.
In order to fill in the gaps in the project developed by the Ministry and correct the problems, the envisaged changes and additions were presented to the interested parties.
The amendments provide for the introduction of a mechanism in which a system will operate between the state and an organization engaged in private activities, as a result of which the decision on the maintenance and further fate of the confiscated illegally acquired animal will have legal regulation.
All comments and suggestions made on the project will be discussed in detail by specialists with a view to further inclusion in the project.
It should also be recalled that, based on the requirement to regulate the legal relations of the use of wildlife objects, the maintenance and use of wild animals in non-free and semi-desert conditions, including animals listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Armenia, and the reduction of administration, the Ministry of Environment submitted to the government a package of draft laws "On amendments and additions to the RA Law" On Wildlife.
You can get acquainted with the project on the unified platform for the publication of legal acts and projects at the following link: