The Evaluation Mission of the Twinning project " Strengthened Protection and Sustainable use of Biodiversity in Armenia in Line with the European Standards" Was in Armenia

The evaluation mission of the Twinning project "Strengthened protection and sustainable use of biodiversity in Armenia in line with the European standards" was in Armenia from February 10 to 14.
Let us recall that the main goal of the two-year project was the strengthened protection and sustainable use of biodiversity in Armenia, in line with the international (European) standards. The project aimed at introducing legislative changes and providing institutional support in the field of nature and biodiversity conservation.
The project was implemented jointly by the Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic, the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), and the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia.
The Twinning program is a well-established EU instrument, through which support is provided to government departments cooperating with each other.
The mission members met with representatives from the specialized departments of the Ministry of Environment of the RA to discuss the results and impact of the project. The representatives from the Ministry provided reports and delivered presentations.