Public discussions will be held on the application for a preliminary environmental impact assessment of construction works on the construction of a concrete wall on the right bank of the Aghstev River/ "Nature Reserve Park complex" SNCO

In accordance with the RA law on "Environmental Impact Assessment and Expertise" /21.06.2014 HO-110-N/ as well as the defined order of Annex of the GoA (19.11.2014) N1325-N decree, on February 21, 2022 at 12:30 in the administrative center of the municipality of Ijevan, Tavush region of the Republic of Armenia, public discussions will be held on the application for a preliminary environmental impact assessment of construction works on the construction of a concrete wall on the right bank of the Aghstev River, provided for by the "Nature Reserve Park complex" SNCO of the Ministry of Environment (2nd stage).
The documents can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Environment (, Yerevan, Buzand 1/3.