Public discussions will be held on the application for a preliminary assessment of the environmental impact of geological study works to be carried out during the excavation of Kornidzor sand-gravel boulder composite mine in Syunik region

In accordance with the RA law on "Environmental Impact Assessment and Expertise" /21.06.2014 HO-110-N/ as well as the defined order of Annex of the GoA (19.11.2014) N1325-N decree, on October 14, at 11:00, public discussions will be held In the administrative building of Tegh community of Syunik region on the application for the preliminary environmental impact assessment of the geological study works to be carried out during the excavation of the Kornidzor sand-gravel boulder composite in Syunik region, submitted by "AS SHIN 80" LLC (2nd public discussion).
The project documents can be found in the Ministry of Environment official website (, “Environmental Impact Expertise Center” SNCO (1/3 Buzand, Yerevan), (tel. 011/22-02-18).