Public reviews will be held over the construction of the multi-functional residential complex envisaged in 59 Komitas, submitted by “Yerevan Lusatechnik” OJSC
In accordance with the RA law on "Environmental Impact Assessment and Expertise" /21.06.2014 HO-110-N/ as well as the defined order of Annex of the GoA (19.11.2014) N1325-N decree, on July 6, at 11:30, public reviews will be held in 59 Komitas, Arabkir administrative district, Yerevan, over the preliminary assessment bid on environmental impact of the construction of the multi-functional residential complex envisaged in 59 Komitas, submitted by “Yerevan Lusatechnik” OJSC (Phase II).
The project documents can be found in the Ministry of Environment official website (www.mnp.am), “Environmental Impact Expertise Center” SNCO (1/3 Buzand, Yerevan), (tel. 011/22-02-18).