Water level of rivers in Armenia as of 05:00 p.m.

As of 5:00 p.m., a certain decrease in the water level was observed in Debed river basin, 30-40 cm lower than the morning levels in the Pambak, Dzoraget and Debed rivers, 17 cm lower in the Tashir River, however, the water levels are still close to dangerous. 
As of 01:00 p.m., the water level at Dilijan observation point in Aghstev river basin had decreased by 15 cm compared to the levels observed in the morning, but as of 05:00 p.m., an increase of 5 cm was observed compared to 01:00 p.m.
In Ijevan observation point of the Aghstev River, the water level increased compared to the level observed in the morning. As of 05:00 p.m. the water level increased by 60 cm compared to the level observed in the morning. The levels in the Getik River decreased by 24 cm during the day.
Dangerous water levels are also maintained in Kirants river basin, where as of 05:00 p.m. the water level has risen by 10 cm compared to the water level observed in the morning.
"Armhydromet" SNCO of the Ministry of Environment