Chaired by Minister of Environment Romanos Petrosyan, the session of the interdepartmental commission streamlining the tender process for the lease / or construction for specially protected areas of nature.
The regulations under discussion will provide an opportunity to balance the environmental-socio-economic components, to achieve the vision of sustainable management and dynamic development of specially protected areas of nature.
Step 1. Review of the N 1578-N decree on "Approving the order of the interdepartmental tender commission set up for the purpose of granting the right of lease (or) construction for lands of specially protected areas of nature".
According to these amendments, minimum requirements and conditions have been defined, which will ensure the ideas of efficient use of lands of specially protected areas of nature according to their purpose, providing opportunities for sustainable development of the area, presenting competitive programs, and implementing thereof.
In particular:
availability of water use permit,
providing the area with drinking and household water,
installation of local wastewater treatment plants (including septic wells),
availability of bathrooms,
povision of sanitary and hygienic conditions in the area,
and etc. were highlighted.
To maintain the principle of transparency, fairness and impartiality in the tender process, by the decree it was defined the principles of assessment of tender packages by the members of the interdepartmental tender commission.
These are:
compliance of the submitted packages with the above-mentioned requirements and conditions,
the amount of high fee (payment) offered for the land plot
possibility of construction (or) operation of the object in a short period of time (realistic period),
the amount of investments (availability of financial guarantees)
environmental-orianted activities,
sustainability of envisaged activities (continuity),
socio-economic component (number of created jobs, impact on socio-economic development of the area),
Assessing the risks of the planned activities and the existence of measures aimed at overcoming them.
Step 2. Development of best agreement forms
In accordance with the established regulations, the above-mentioned minimum requirements and conditions are deemed as extremely important essentials and in contracts with individuals or legal persons recognized as winners of tenders for leasing and (or) granting land use right of specially protected areas of nature shall be stipulated as essential terms of that contract; the breach of thereof shall be the basis for early termination of the contracts.
Exemplary forms of these agreements have been developed for this purpose.
Step 3. Review of the initial prices
On the basis of the law of the Republic of Armenia on “Defining the Procedure of Market Valuation for the Purpose of Taxing the Real Property” (enabled harmonizing the market and cadastral values for real estate), issued an instruction to the SPAs:
to review the initial prices of the minimum fees for the construction and / or lease plot;
If necessary, by amending the existing lease agreements.
Step 4. The vision of balanced development of the area
The land plots submitted for lease and / or construction right are selected for the purpose of balanced, dynamic development of the protected areas, easing already congested areas, creating a precondition in the least developed areas.
These regulations are targeted at the sustainable use of land plots in specially protected areas of nature, ensuring the priority of environmental protection.