On April 8, 2021, a government decree approved the "Procedure for the installation, conclusion and use of technical equipment for online monitoring of the installation, installation and use of drilling machines for the use of underground fresh water", which is aimed at the rational use and protection of underground fresh water, prevention of unauthorized drilling activities.
By the order N 233-N of June 30, 2021 of the Minister of Environment " On setting the minimum technical requirements for the equipment for drilling groundwater drilling machines for groundwater use online" the minimum technical requirements for technical equipment for online monitoring of the installation of the removal of machines drilling for the use of underground fresh water are established.
According to the decision, from January 1, 2022, in order to use underground fresh water, drilling activities should be carried out with the availability of technical equipment for online tracking of the location of drilling machines.
The right to engage in activities subject to notification of the person who submitted the notification of drilling for the use of underground fresh water will be denied by the authorized body if there is no technical equipment for online monitoring of the placement of machines drilling for the use of underground fresh water.
Online transmission of information about the location and activities of the machines notified and engaged in drilling activities will prevent illegal drilling, ensure proper monitoring of the implementation of these works.