In today's session, the executive approved the draft of the government's decision "On defining the procedure for providing the data of the state cadastre of the animal world" developed by the Ministry of Environment.
Legal relations related to the provision of data of the state cadastre of the animal world are regulated by this procedure:
- an application form for obtaining the data of the state cadastre of the animal world was also developed, where the purpose of using the state cadastre of the animal world is specified,
- the scope of providing data of the state cadastre of wild animals has been changed,
- the grounds for refusing to provide state cadastre data have been changed, guided by the cases defined by the "Freedom of Information" law and the cases of restrictions on the provision of environmental information defined by the international treaties ratified by the Republic of Armenia (Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and Justice, 25.06. 1998).