The Ministry of the Environment has received a signal from environmental organizations about bear attacks in the community of Amasia in the Shirak region and the damage caused to citizens and their farms.
The problem is serious, because it carries important environmental components that threaten the health and life of citizens, the socio-economic condition, therefore it is in the focus of the Ministry of the Environment. To solve the problem, the Ministry periodically holds consultations with the participation of interested parties.
We will inform you that a meeting will be convened tomorrow with the participation of representatives of the community, representatives of the police and the Inspection Body for the Protection of Nature and Subsoil.
We also remind that the brown bear is registered in the "Red Book" of animals of the Republic of Armenia and responsibility for killing an animal is provided under the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia -a fine of 400-600 times the minimum wage or arrest for a period of 2-3 months with the restoration of damage from 1 to 5 million drams.