The Ministry of Environment receives numerous signals that water lilies listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Armenia are being sold on the streets of the capital, as well as photos of tourists and tourists appear on the Internet, which show how ecological systems are being violated.
Water lily is one of the most beautiful plants of the Armenian Highlands, listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Armenia.
Dear citizens, we urge you to treat this unsurpassed beauty of nature with utmost care and responsibility, especially since it is listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Armenia and is also regulated by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
According to Article 93 of the RA Code "On Administrative Offenses", plants listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Armenia, or the independent collection of roots, flowers, fruits of such plants, entails the imposition of a fine on citizens in the eighty-fold amount of the established minimum wage (80,000 drams of the Republic of Armenia), and on officials - in the hundredfold amount (150,000 drams).
In the photo, one of the pearls of nature in Armenia is Lake Urasar or water lilies.