The Ministry of Environment proposes to establish relations related to the use of mercury, mercury compounds and products with mercury additives in the Republic of Armenia.
Presenting the draft law "On Mercury" to the National Assembly in the first reading, Deputy Minister of Environment Gayane Gabrielyan noted that the purpose of the project is to preserve human health and the environment from anthropogenic emissions and emissions of mercury.
"The need to develop a draft law of the Republic of Armenia "on mercury" comes from the commitments undertaken by Armenia under the Minamata Convention "on Mercury", ratified in 2017.
The purpose of the Convention is to preserve human health and the environment from anthropogenic effects of mercury and mercury compounds.
In fulfillment of the obligations assumed by the Convention after 2020, the countries that have ratified the Convention, in accordance with article 4 of the Convention, prohibit the production, import and export of products with mercury filler listed in the Convention," said Deputy Minister Gayane Gabrielyan.
The Deputy Minister presented that as a result of the adoption of the RA draft law "On Mercury", a legal framework for mercury regulation will be created, which will contribute to the prevention of illegal mercury trafficking, environmentally safe use of mercury, preservation of human health and the environment from the harmful effects of mercury and mercury compounds.
"This draft was discussed in the commission and appropriate changes were made"- the deputy minister added.
Adjacent speaker Aren Mkrtchyan, member of the NA Standing Committee on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environment, noted that the draft was discussed in the committee and received a positive conclusion.