Deputy Minister Tigran Gabrielyan's press conference took place

Reforms and legislative regulations implemented by the Ministry of Environment in the field of water resources management. Deputy Minister Tigran Gabrielyan's press conference was held.
Deputy Minister of Environment Tigran Gabrielyan, Head of Water Resources Management Department of the Ministry Gayane Hovsepyan and Head of Water Policy Department Lilit Abrahamyan summarized the current situation in the field of water resources protection and effective management in the Republic of Armenia with media representatives, presented the problems identified during the reporting period and the legislative reforms aimed at solving them. 
Reference was also made to the legislative regulations that will come into force on January 1, 2024.
The deputy minister presented the impact of climate change on water resources. The results of the analysis of multi-year climate data in the republic showed that in recent years the deviations of both air temperature and precipitation have increased compared to the base period.
According to the UN Climate Change National Report IV, in recent decades, the average air temperature in Armenia has increased by 1.250C from the norm, and precipitation has decreased by 14% from the norm. according to the same data, the average annual air temperature until 2100 will increase by 4.70C, and precipitation by 8.3%.

  • In the framework of legislative regulations, the speakers referred to the important changes regulating the sector: a requirement for installation of flow measuring equipment from January 1, 2024 has been established,
  • a requirement to carry out operations with a closed circulation system in fish farms using groundwater through a well from January 1, 2024,
  • a ban on issuing new water use permits in the Ararat valley (Ararat and Armavir marzes) through new boreholes, and also through existing boreholes for fish farming purposes,
  • the idea of the Water Resources Protection Fund was introduced,
  • the procedure for issuing a water use permit was adopted, according to which the process of issuing a water use permit will be made clearer and more accessible, in accordance with the requirements defined by the Code.

Answering the journalists' questions, the deputy minister referred to the requirement to carry out activities in fish farms with a closed circulation system and commented on the opinions expressed and the provisions of the order.