Period of activity of snakes. how to beware and how to act?

There are 23 types of snakes in Armenia, of which 3 types of vipers and the Transcaucasian gyurza are poisonous.
It should be noted that according to statistical data, about 40 percent of people died from snake bites, not from poison, but from fear.
In the case of non-venomous snake bites, the wound should be treated in the same way as any small wound.
In the case of a poisonous snake bite, it is necessary to limit the victim's movements and press around the bitten area so that the blood flows out of the wound.
Not allowed,
- put a string (jugut) on the bitten limb above the wound,
- make an incision at the site of the bite,
- put ice or burn,
- offer alcohol to the victim,
- give medication, because they will not allow to correctly assess his objective condition.