Online training
On the initiative of the Ministry of Environment, the employees of the Science and Tourism Division of "Zangezur" Biosphere Complex” SNCO will conduct an online training (on Zoom platform) on April 2, at 16:00.
The role and significance of specially protected areas of nature,
The activity of "Zangezur" Biosphere Complex” SNCO,
Biodiversity of "Zangezur" Biosphere Complex” SNCO,
Ecotourism of "Zangezur" Biosphere Complex” SNCO.
The course is envisages for 11-15 year olds.
For details, you can send a letter to e-mails: zangezurkh@gmail.com, zangezurbiosphere@gmail.com or call on 0285-2-00-64.
To register you can go to the following link: https://bit.ly/3sCc90k