It is proposed to define a new concept in the RA Water Code

Minister of Environment Hakob Simidyan today, during the extraordinary session of the National Assembly of November 21, presented to the parliament in the first reading "On Amendments and Amendments to the Water Code of the Republic of Armenia", "On Amendments and Amendments to the Code of the Republic of Armenia Regarding Administrative Offenses", "On Amendments and Amendments to the Water Code of the Republic of Armenia" The package of draft laws on making additions and amendments to the Code.
In order to legalize the issues related to the depletion of underground water resources of the Ararat Artesian Basin and the implementation of closed circulation systems in fish farms, the draft law "On Amendments to the Water Code of the Republic of Armenia" defined a new concept of "closed circulation system using groundwater through a borehole", and " The draft of the Law on Amendments to the Water Code of the Republic of Armenia "On Amendments to the Law" provides a legal basis for defining the procedure for implementing a closed circulation system in fish farms that use underground fresh water through a well.
According to the draft of the law "On Amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses", administrative responsibility was established for fish farms to use water from underground fresh waters through a well without a closed circulation system.
Adoption of the above-mentioned projects will contribute to the settlement of problems of the introduction of closed circulation systems and clarification of the concept of "closed circulation system".
Answering the MPs' questions, Minister Hakob Simidyan noted that in the near future it will be presented what the "closed circulation system" is. It will also be discussed with parliamentarians.
The minister said that the department will not establish such a regulation, due to which businessmen will find themselves in a bad or hopeless situation.