Minister of Environment Romanos Petrosyan conducted a visit to the Faculty of Geography and Geology of Yerevan State University

The Minister himself graduated from the Department of Exploration and Evaluation of Mineral Deposits of the same faculty.
The Minister was accompanied by Artur Petrosyan, Acting Chairman of the Committee of Forest of the Ministry of Environment, and Levon Azizyan, Acting Director of “Hydrometeorology and  Monitoring Center” SNCO, who are also graduates of the Faculty of Geography and Geology.
Minister Petrosyan toured the familiar  faculty, afterwards on the initiative of Dean of the Faculty, Candidate of Geological Sciences, Associate Professor Mr. Marat Grigoryan, had a meaningful meeting-discussion with the teaching staff and students. The range of discussed issues was quite wide - from professional to internal political.
Thankful for such a pleasant meeting, the Minister first apologized for the delay in the visit to the Faculty, which was due to a number of objective circumstances, then presented the groundbreaking reforms initiated by the Ministry of Environment (since his appointment as minister so far), the current situation, spoke about the Ministry's vision, the essential and prospects for cooperation between the state agency and the faculty training sectorial specialists.
The Minister emphasized  that with this visit he wanted to make a very strong, institutional reservation: the role of specialists in the sphere of environmental management is pivotal, and without this forge - which gives these specialists to the state - it will be very difficult to make deep reforms.
As a result of the discussion, it was once again stated that it is true that the ministry cooperates with the National Academy of Sciences through certain administrative channels, since there is no platform for cooperation that will link the faculty's  teaching staff  and students with the state agency implementing the policy.
"We all understand that globally most of the problems in the sphere of environmental management, which directly impact on the quality of life, are directly related to the lack of basic eco-education. Eco-education is not just about studying science at a university or the lesson of the natural science at school, it is a way of life, a behavior, the institutional changes of which are presently being worked on.
Everyone should feel responsible for protecting the environment. There is also serious work to be done in this direction. We have 1000 miles to go in the sphere of nature protection, the first steps have already been assumed'': the Minister said in his speech.
The Minister proposed to think, to create and institutionalize such a platform.
The students were particularly interested in the issue of professional jobs in the sphere and at the ministry. The Minister dwelt on the personnel policy of the Ministry, presented what qualified specialists are needed at the moment in the Ministry of Environment and SNCOs under it.
The Minister listened to the warnings and views on the problems illustrated by the sectorial specialists, promised to consider them, to adhere to their advice in an effect to implement official duties and authorities much more effectively.