Minister of Environment Hakob Simidyan and Deputy Minister Aram Meimaryan met with Director of the Armenian branch of the World Wide Fund for Nature Karen Manvelyan

The Ministry of Environment - WWF-Armenia cooperation has a long history, within the framework of which the department, together with the foundation, has implemented many important environmental programs aimed at developing and strengthening the capabilities of specially protected natural territories of Armenia.
The Director of the Armenian branch of the Foundation presented to the Minister the work done in recent years.
WWF Armenia's priority is to preserve endangered species such as the Caucasian leopard. Another important priority is the development and strengthening of the system of protected areas, within which WWF provides ongoing support to protected areas.
During the meeting, issues related to the development of cooperation between the Ministry of Environment and the Fund, current programs and solutions to existing problems were discussed. Special attention was paid to the idea of creating a "Tatev National Park".
The Minister thanked his colleague for his effective assistance in the important mission of protecting specially protected natural territories in the Republic of Armenia.
An agreement was reached to organize more detailed working discussions around the individual components of the issues discussed with Deputy Minister-Coordinator of the sphere Aram Meimaryan.
Mutual efforts will be continued and active work will be carried out to bring the existing level of cooperation to a higher level.
WWF Armenia