Minister Hakob Simidyan met with the Head of the Lake Research Department of the Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research

The meeting was attended by Deputy Minister Aram Meimaryan, the Acting Director of "Hydrometeorology and Monitoring Center" SNCO Levon Azizyan and Director of the Scientific Center of Zoology and Hydroecology of the National Academy of Sciences Barduh Gabrielyan.
Mr. Rinke presented to the Minister the SEVAMOD2 program "Creation of scientific management tools for Lake Sevan", funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Science of Germany.
Minister Hakob Simidyan greeted his colleagues at the Ministry of Environment and stressed the importance of the program being implemented.
"The program under discussion is very important for the Ministry of Environment. I am sure that this will contribute to improving the efficiency of water resources management of Lake Sevan.
As you know, solving the problems of Lake Sevan is one of our priorities, and this program has the task of solving our priorities.
Unfortunately, for certain objective reasons, we have a problem of lack of financial and human resources, I am glad that there is such a program that, based on its results, comes to fill this gap, giving us the opportunity to scientifically substantiate the processes on Lake Sevan," the Minister said and expressed gratitude to Mr. Rinke and the German government for their assistance.
"The support of the German government in the field of the environment in our country is long-lasting and is not limited only to this program. This support includes various environmental areas, which is extremely important for us," the minister said.
The parties discussed the progress of the program, Mr. Rinke presented to the Minister the work already done.
The SEVAMOD2 Armenian-German program funded by the German government "creation of science-based management tools for Lake Sevan" made it possible to carry out comprehensive monitoring and research work on Lake Sevan (which has so far been carried out due to the lack of incomplete state funding), combining the capabilities of German, scientific and state structures of the Republic of Armenia.
After the completion of the program, the Ministry of Environment will be presented with a full package of proposals that will help identify the main problems of Lake Sevan water quality and more effectively manage water resources.
At the end of the meeting, Minister Hakob Simidyan promised to monitor the progress of the program and ensure its continuation.