A Meeting of the Interdepartmental Working Group Coordinating the Cleaning and Restoration Process of Tsakkar and Karchaghbyur Rivers Took Place

A meeting of the interdepartmental working group coordinating the cleaning and restoration process of Tsakkar and Karchaghbyur rivers took place.
Tigran Gabrielyan, Deputy Minister of Environment of the RA, chaired the meeting-discussion. The representatives of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure of the RA, the Ministry of Economy of the RA, the Ministry of Finance of the RA, the Water Committee of the RA MTAI, the Environmental Protection and Mining Inspection Body of the RA, the Urban Development Committee, the Cadastre Committee, the Governor's Office of Gegharkunik Region, and the Rescue Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs attended the meeting.
During the meeting, issues related to the identification and inventory of sources of river pollution, and the development of action plans aimed at their elimination were discussed.
An agreement was reached to continue researching the existing problems with mapping the rivers and adjacent territories.