A regular meeting of the working group dealing with "Man-Wildlife Conflict" issues has been held

A regular meeting of the working group dealing with "Man-Wildlife Conflict" issues has been held in the Ministry of Environment.
The problem of brown bear attacks has been in the center of attention of the relevant specialists of the Ministry of Environment for a long time.
Studies of the behavior of brown bears and discussions of ways to mitigate the threats to residents and their economies are under the attention of the working group dealing with "Man-Wildlife Conflict" issues formed by the Ministry.
Today, on May 3, the topic of the regular meeting of the working group dealing with "Man-Wildlife Conflict" issues was the emergency calls about the damages caused by brown bears to the residents of the communities in the last period.
Representatives from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vayots Dzor and Aragatsotn Governors' Staffs, Environmental Protection and Mining Inspection Body of the Republic of Armenia, National Academy of Sciences, "Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets" (FPWC), "World Wide Fund for Nature” (WWF) and from the Armenian branch of “Nature Protection Union" (NABU) participated in the discussion.
The discussion was led by Voskehat Grigoryan, the head of the Department of Specially Protected Areas of Nature and Biodiversity Policy of the Ministry.
Based on the results of the discussion, decisions on the topic were made. In parallel with all that, they continue to work for finding possible solutions, carry out registrations concerning to the distribution and number of bears and evaluate the danger posed by bears.