At today's government meeting, a package of draft laws of the Republic of Armenia "On Amendments to the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On Atmospheric Air Protection", "On Amendments and Additions to the Code of Administrative Offences of the Republic of Armenia" and "On Amendments and Additions to the Tax Code of the Republic of Armenia" was approved by the Ministry of Environment.
The aim of the project is to ensure effective management of atmospheric air protection in accordance with modern approaches and in the context of sustainable development by creating a legal framework:
The law has been fully finalized.
So, with the draft law:
Added provisions related to technical regulation of emissions, accounting for emissions, distribution of powers, etc.
Modern approaches to the protection of atmospheric air were recorded, in particular:
in terms of assessing the quality of atmospheric air;
the concept of "critical level", as well as methods of its determination, application, definition of powers for monitoring and control of pollution,
in terms of limiting emissions from stationary sources,
application of methods for determining "technical standards" and "the best available technologies,
in terms of limiting emissions from mobile sources,
prohibition requirements and the authority to apply them,
in terms of emissions accounting.
regulation on the unified accounting of harmful substances and greenhouse gas emissions (from stationary and mobile sources), including the list of greenhouse gases, inventory of greenhouse gases.
The criteria for assessing air quality adopted in the world and currently in force in the country will be harmonized, as well as the demand for the introduction of "the best available technologies" widely used in developed countries to limit emissions.
The harmonization of the current sectoral domestic and sectoral legislation of the European Union will be ensured.