The Ministry of Environment proposes to make the process of keeping wild animals kept in free and semi-free conditions, including animals registered in the Red Book of the Republic of Armenia, more regulated and controlled.
The draft of the relevant decision of the government was submitted for public discussion on the unified website for the publication of draft legal acts:
The adoption of the draft decree of the Minister of Environment "On establishing the procedure for issuing a permit to keep wild animals kept in free and semi-free conditions, including animals registered in the Red Book of the Republic of Armenia" is conditioned by the adoption of the draft decree of the Republic of Armenia's animal world facilities in free and semi-free conditions, including wild animals of the Republic of Armenia With the request to reduce the regulation and administration of the legal relations of keeping animals registered in the Red Book.
The implementation of the project development process became urgent and urgent after the publication of a sensational article in the international press (Daily Mail) in 2015 regarding the miserable condition of animals kept in a private zoo in Gyumri.
The need to adopt the project stems from the above, as well as from the requirement of paragraph 9 of the annex approved by the decision of the Prime Minister of May 24, 2022 "On making amendments and additions to the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On making amendments and additions to the Law of the Republic of Armenia" N571-А.
This project envisages to carry out the process of keeping wild animals in free and semi-free conditions, including animals registered in the Red Book of the Republic of Armenia, on the basis of permits issued by the authorized body, for the purpose of recording wild animals kept by individuals and legal entities, for the annual update of that information, and in general, that making processes more regulated and controllable.