The laws concerning the flora, fauna and specially protected natural areas will contain the authorizing norms

The laws relating to flora, fauna and specially protected natural areas will contain authorizing norms, according to which:
The package of draft laws "On amendments to the law "On Flora", "On amendments to the Law "On Wildlife", "On Amendments to the Law "On Specially Protected Natural Territories" is proposed to fix the authorizing norms in the current laws.
This was stated by Deputy Minister of Environment Aram Meymaryan at the meeting of the NA Standing Committee on Territorial Administration, Local Self-government, agriculture and Environmental Protection convened on January 27.
Aram Meymaryan noted that currently a number of government resolutions regulating the sphere are in force, but do not have authorizing norms, and some are being prepared for development, but there are no authorizing norms.
The Deputy Minister stressed that with the adoption of laws, legal acts in the areas of flora, fauna and specially protected natural territories will be brought into line with the requirements of Article 6 of the Constitution.
The legislative package received a positive conclusion.