June 5 is World Environment Day

"Fight against plastic pollution". World Environment Day is celebrated today with this slogan
In 1972, June 5 was declared by the United Nations as the World Environment Day, and since 2004 it has been celebrated in Armenia as the day of the environmentalist.
The day is celebrated every year and is a way for all environmentalists and environmental organizations to focus the attention of the international community on environmental issues, as well as to stimulate political interest in the appropriate actions to protect the environment.
In 2023, the theme of World Environment Day was humanity's fight against plastic pollution and its importance. The title of the day is "Fight against plastic pollution". This is a unique appeal to humanity to fight against this pollutant, which is considered disastrous for the environment.
Dear colleagues, respected representatives of the environmental community, we congratulate you on the professional day and thank you for making our environment better every day with your activities.