Earlier, in a bid to ensure the full-fledged participation of civil society in the process of addressing the problems of the Ministry of Environment, reforms and implementation of strategic projects, a new public council was set up by the order of the Minister of Environment Romanos Petrosyan.
In the course of the meeting, the members of the council approved the rules of procedure of the public council, the staff of separate sectoral working groups within the council, and selected coordinators of thereof.
The work done after the previous session and the recorded issues were discussed.
Victoria Burnazyan, a representative of the "Subsoil" working group, made a report on "Problems of the Mining Sector, based on the results of “EcoLur” Informational NGO-made Liability of Non-operating Mining Companies in EITI Process."
After the report, Acting Minister Petrosyan addressed a formal letter, requesting to provide the results of the study and all the factual data to the Ministry of Environmen in an effort to further their process.
Besides the issues on the agenda of the session, the Acting Minister and members of the council discussed a wide range of environmental issues, from legislative reforms to mining sector. It was also made a reference to the issue of Amulsar.
The Acting Minister presented to the members of the Council information on the current stage of the development of the new draft law of the Republic of Armenia on "Environmental Impact Assessment and Expertise" and the current status of amendments in the EIA process.
An agreement was reached, prior to submitting the law to all stakeholders and wide public reviews, to convene an extraordinary session of the council, and hold a consultative discussion.
Acting Minister Romanos Petrosyan thanked the members of the council, stating that the healthy debates held during the sessions, discussions with a wide range of environmental topics inspire hope that this structure will really serve the purpose of its formation.