In order to promote the effectiveness of protection, improvement, restoration and rational use of natural resources and the implementation of relevant programs and activities aimed at them, the Ministry of Environment, represented by Deputy Minister Anna Mazmanyan and "Grant Thornton Consulting" CJSC, represented by Director Gurgen Hakobyan, signed a memorandum of cooperation.
Within the framework of the memorandum
The parties expressed their readiness to combine their efforts within the framework of the legislation of the Republic of Armenia, applying their professional, human and technical resources and potential to implement joint programs and activities of mutual interest aimed at preserving, improving and restoring the environment.
Within the framework of the memorandum, the company is ready to implement joint activities and programs agreed with the Ministry, analyze international experience in implementing stability standards (in terms of the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation and localization of other international initiatives), and assist the Ministry in preparing analytical materials related to its areas of activity.
In accordance with the procedure agreed with the Ministry, within the framework of the initiatives implemented by the Green Climate Fund, to participate in the implementation of joint programs and activities of mutual interest, contributing to the preservation, improvement and restoration of the environment in Armenia, as well as popularization of the idea of "green company" in wider circles.
To organize joint meetings and discussions in order to coordinate and implement the activities and programs provided for under the memorandum, as well as to conduct master classes and retraining of Ministry employees on relevant professional topics that correspond to the professional orientation and resources of Grant Thornton.