How to take part in the nationwide tree planting

During the autumn tree planting, the Ministry of Environment has implemented a dimensional change-innovation, which is aimed at developing caring behavior towards nature in the society, to make each citizen a part of the solution of environmental problems.
Various private sector organizations can participate in the planting of trees, which will be provided with free seedlings by the "Hayantar" SNCO and the territories where the nationwide planting of trees will be carried out will be designated. A total of 10,000 seedlings will be provided. 
For more information or participation, you can call the Deputy Chairman of the Forest Committee of the Ministry of Environment Hayk Aleksanyan.
Contacts` 091 88 22 22, (+374 10) 65 02 70
E-mail address`

How to apply
Applications for participation in tree planting should be sent to: the application must include:
Number of participants
Data of the contact person coordinating the process by the organization (tel. number, e-mail)
Please follow the announcements on the page so that you do not miss further details about tree planting and to have the opportunity to become a full participant in tree planting.
Every citizen can plant a tree in his yard, in his garden, becoming a part of this important national event.