Headed by Deputy Minister of Environment Tigran Gabrielyan, a meeting of the commission providing a professional opinion for permission to keep wild animals kept in unfree and semi-free conditions took place

Under the chairmanship of Deputy Minister of Environment Tigran Gabrielyan, a meeting of the commission on the provision of a professional opinion for permission to keep wild animals kept in unfree and semi-free conditions, including animals listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Armenia, was held.
The members of the commission discussed the issues "on approval of the list of wild animals that do not require permission to be kept in unfree and semi-free conditions", "on establishing the procedure for issuing permits to keep wild animals kept in unfree and semi-free conditions, including animals registered in the Red Book of Animals of the Republic of Armenia", "on the establishment of the commission, giving a professional opinion for permission to keep wild animals, including animals,, On the approval of its individual composition and working procedure" and a wide range of issues on the organization of the process.
Welcoming colleagues, Deputy Minister Tigran Gabrielyan, who is also the chairman of the commission, asked to discuss all the inventoried problems and voice concerns that will help organize the process more effectively.
During the discussion, the steps aimed at implementing the process of keeping animals on the basis of permits issued by the authorized body, accounting for wild animals kept by individuals and legal entities, annual updating of this information and, in general, to make these processes more regulated and controlled were touched upon. Experts voiced their points of view and considerations.
Sevak Baloyan, Head of the Bioresources Management Department of the Ministry of Environment, presented legislative regulations, followed by questions and answers.
An agreement was reached to continue the meetings so that problems and obstacles would not arise as a result of legislative regulation.