- For which license or permission to apply to the Ministry of Environment
- When importing and exporting goods subject to restrictions on trade with third countries within the EAEU,
- In the case of hazardous waste management activities,
- When importing into the territory of the EAEU and exporting from the territory of the EAEU toxic substances that are not considered precursors of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances,
- When substances that destroy the ozone layer and hydrofluorocarbons are imported into the territory of the EAEU and exported from the territory of the EAEU,
- When transporting wild animals and individual wild plants across the territory of the EAEU and exporting from the territory of the EAEU,
- When exporting rare and endangered species of wild animals and plants and their parts and (or) derivatives included in the Red Book of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation from the territory of the EAEU,
- In case of water use,
- When exporting from the territory of the Republic of Armenia and importing into the territory of the Republic of Armenia wild animals and plants, their parts and derivatives subject to regulation by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora,
- When exporting botanical collections and individual specimens from the territory of the Republic of Armenia and importing to the territory of the Republic of Armenia
- When exporting wild animals, zoological collections and individual specimens from the territory of the Republic of Armenia and importing them into the territory of the Republic of Armenia,
- When exporting copies of sturgeon species bred in unfree conditions:
The procedures for issuing licenses and permits, concluding contracts, a list of necessary documents and other details are available on the official website of the Ministry of Environment at the following link: http://env.am/e-management/licenses-and-permits ".