On February 2, 1971, the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, Especially as Waterfowl Habitat, was signed in Ramsar, Iran.
The UN General Assembly officially approved February 2 as the UN World Wetlands Day by resolution 75/317 of 2021.
The Ramsar Convention recognizes wetlands as natural or artificial, temporary or permanent marshes, bogs, peatlands or bodies of water, stagnant or flowing, fresh, brackish or brackish, including marine areas, the depth of which does not exceed six meters at the time of survey.
Currently, 172 countries are party to the Convention.
The number of Ramsar sites is 2503, their total area is 257182378 hectares.
The theme for World Wetlands Day 2024 is "Wetlands and Human Well-Being".
Human well-being is irrevocably linked to the recovery of all types of wetlands around the world.
Wetland restoration is essential to overcoming the climate and biodiversity crisis and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, they are a reservoir of water and food, they support biodiversity, and they are a source of economic, social and cultural benefits to people.
Armenia joined the Ramsar Convention on November 6, 1993, becoming the 70th member country. Armenia now has three Ramsar sites: Lake Sevan, Lake Arpi and Khor Virap Swamp.
The national coordinator of the Ramsar Convention is Karen Tsenterechyan, the legal advisor of the Ministry of Environment.
Information about the convention: https://bit.ly/3uihK1K.