Today, another extended discussion was held with the participation of all interested parties on the revised drafts of the Law "On Environmental Impact Assessment and Expertise" and the amended drafts of the Law of the Republic of Armenia.
The discussion was initiated by the Ministry of Environment with the support of the World Bank.
Deputy Minister of Justice Armenuhi Harutyunyan, Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports Karen Trchunyan, Acting Director of the Environmental Protection Project Implementation Office of the Ministry of Environment Armen Yesoyan, Deputy Director of the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health, epidemiologist Nune Bakunts, representatives of interested parties participated in the discussion. from departments, business sector, Environmental Protection and Subsoil Inspection Body, Yerevan Municipality, students and journalists.
Welcoming the attendees, Deputy Minister of Environment Gayane Gabrielyan first thanked the colleagues for their presence and active support anda qparticipation in the various stages of work on the draft law.
"Since the operation of this law extends to the entities defined by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia that develop, adopt or implement a constitutional document that has a possible impact on the environment and human health, this legislative regulation is related to the field presented to each of us, as well as to each citizen of the Republic of Armenia. A rather detailed, comprehensive work was carried out on the project, accompanied by the collection of opinions, comprehensive public hearings were held, separate meetings with representatives of the public sector were taken into account, - the deputy minister noted, - the law is green according to the logic of environmental activities. framework, the law is not about business, it is not about infrastructure. Economic development and progress is extremely important to our state, but this is all about conservation and saving nature. it is necessary to combine the two interests, in this case the environmental one taking precedence."
The representatives of the interested departments also made speeches.
Deputy Minister of Justice Armenuhi Harutyunyan stated in her speech:
"Our goal is to create legislation that offers the best regulations, in the sense that it will not be problematic in the future and will enable all of us to realize our goals guided by better laws. In fact, during this period, our cooperation with the Ministry of Environment was aimed at the realization of that goal, and we can consider it justified because that cooperation was effective. The departments present here will also prove that a lot of work has been done on the law. Of course, nothing can be perfect, we strive for perfection, but it is an impossible phenomenon," Armenuhi Harutyunyan noted and suggested that as a result of such discussions, we should try to improve the draft law even more, let's try to get legislative regulations worthy of our generations."
In his speech, the Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports Karen Trchunyan referred to the importance of the implementation of the sustainable development goals of the United Nations and the improvement of the legislative framework in that context. The deputy minister also spoke about green education and the need for education in solving environmental problems.
Summarizing the words of the colleagues, epidemiologist Nune Bakunts, deputy director of the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health, noted that human health depends on a number of factors, including largely environmental factors, and that the Ministry of Health is an equal beneficiary of this legislative regulation.
;During the discussion, a number of issues were raised, the opinions presented by the state agencies on the draft law were addressed.