In order to reduce emissions from mobile sources and protect the environment, legislative reforms and the development of infrastructures necessary for the use of electric vehicles are continuing in the Republic of Armenia.
On December 10, 2021, the National Assembly adopted the law "On Amendments to the Tax Code of the Republic of Armenia", according to which the term of value-added tax benefits in terms of import and (or) alienation of electric motor vehicles (large, medium and small buses, passenger vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds) classified under codes 8702 40 000, 8703 80 000 and 8711 60 HS of the EAEU, extended until January 1, 2024.
On March 17, 2022, zero customs duty was imposed on the import of 7,000 electric vehicles in 2022 and 8,000 in 2023. The privilege also applies to electric vehicles imported after January 1, 2022.
As a result of the reforms, a significant increase in the number of vehicles imported into the territory of the Republic of Armenia exclusively with electric motors was recorded in 2022.
- number of electric vehicles
As of 2019 -668, as of 2020-2155, as of 2021-6645, as of the 3rd quarter of 2022-8098.
- the number of electric vehicles
As of 2019-145, as of 2020-258, as of 2021-1898, as of the 3rd quarter of 2022-2323.