Deputy Minister of Environment Gayane Gabrielyan took part in the UN Conference on Water 2023 in New York:
In her speech, Gayane Gabrielyan touched upon Armenia's priorities related to sustainable management of water resources and drainage, and stressed the importance of international cooperation in the implementation of the 6th UN Sustainable Development Goal.
The Deputy Minister, in particular, touched upon the steps of the Republic of Armenia aimed at effective management in the water sector.
"Armenia considers the approximation of the national water policy to the UN multilateral environmental agreements, such as the UNECE Protocol on Water and Health in accordance with the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Water Flows and International Lakes, or other global commitments, such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals, as an additional lever in accordance with the principles of integrated water resources management.
Armenia periodically submits voluntary reports to the United Nations, in particular on the Protocol on water and Health, and in this regard, significant progress has been made in bringing our national sectoral goals and action programs in line with the protocol.
In 2020, Armenia developed a strategy for achieving the 6th Sustainable Development Goal, which includes a detailed basic analysis and identification of threats to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals:
The agreement provides for time-appropriate and ambitious commitments in the field of water resources and quality related to the issues of urban wastewater treatment, drinking water, nitrates and floods.
In the same year, the Armenian government adopted a water sector adaptation program and its 5-year action program to combat the growing vulnerability of the country's water resources to climate change," the Deputy Minister noted.